On this page you can view all of the patch notes created for Fallout: London.
Alternatively you can review our real time change log here and stay updated as we do them:
Fallout: London Version V1.01
Internal IV2.31R3 PV1.01
Click below to view changelog:
- “Broken Angel”
- Fixed issue with how the player’s health is handled after the train crash, which disproportionately lowered the max HP of characters with already high health or endurance level, when it should have lowered the player’s current HP instead.
- Since the early-game balance was accidentally built around this bug, we have made the effects of the “Lab Rat” and “Railway Spine” afflictions more serious (though it will still be slightly easier).
- “Charybdis”
- Added The Ferryman to the PlayerFriendFaction to allow a few accidental hits. The Ferryman and Sushi are also now added to the PlayerAllyFaction during the fight with the leeches.
- The utility entrance now gets locked to “Novice” after speaking with Rachel in the market, this is to make the quest marker point to the main entrance at the beginning of the next quest.
- “Heavenslayer”
- Added quest markers on important keys in the Bank of England.
- Temporary fix for a bug where going through the Angel Station Lab permanently disables ambient music in people’s saves.
- You have to reload to before entering the lab for this to work. If you’ve already triggered it on your save, check the solutions channel on discord. Proper fix coming next update.
- “Parliament of Fools”
- Made H4N-24RD non-hackable.
- “Dolls Of The Deep”
- The first note you pick up now mentions the correct location.
- “Swan & Mitre”
- Ricky no longer dies if you pass the intelligence check
- Killing the IODs inside the Swan and Mitre before than those outside no longer breaks the quest
- Quest should no longer get stuck on “Find out why Nadia’s delivery is late”.
- Hand in to Winston fixed
- Crystaline photon agitator objective clarified
- “Welcome to the Vagabonds”
- Johnny’s Hymn book now has a quest marker
- “Prison Break”
- Quest no longer breaks if guards inside have already been killed
- Quest no longer tells you to speak to Agatha if opening armoury after planting bombs
- “Arms Race”
- Dialogue on hand in fixed
- “Revenge, Thy Name Is Fury”
- NPCs now accept any vagabond hat
- “Black”
- Nelson is no longer protected when you choose to kill Black
- “Breaking the Cycle”
- Nelson is no longer hostile when returning to the Swan and Mitre
- Nelson no longer comes to the Swan and Mitre when he is told not to
- Memories of Syd now fails upon completion
- “No More Heroes”
- Fixed Food for Thought start when siding with Harvin
- “Food for Thought”
- Can no longer be started early
- “It Rises In The East”
- Giovanni’s dialogue fixed
- Stanley dialogue fixed
- Can now return shipment to Meghna
- Characters no longer walk away mid conversation
- Hooligans no longer have markers on them when dead
- Skills checks now update to player’s stats
- “Answers At Last?”
- Lawrence now always gives you the recipie for Crackle and Pop when he should
- “Gordon’s Alive”
- Dialogue looping back to start on certain options fixed
- “Scylla”
- Fixed missing aliases
- Stopped Jeremy from walking away while listening to the holotape
- “Of Mutants and Men”
- Fixed scrambled dialogue
- “A Roar in the Waves”
- Eve and Lily dialogue bug could not be replicated but fix attempted
- Angel boss will now be hostile even if player is allied with Angel
- “Fifth Column Kick Out”
- Added Dr Alan Webb so that when you kill him before the relevant quest you are kicked out of the Fifth Column
- Added Rachel so that when you kill him before the relevant quest you are kicked out of the Fifth Column